are approximately 175,000 Canadian voluntary sector/non-profit organizations
in Canada, and more than 78,000 of these are registered charities.
These groups provide a variety of services for the benefit of the
Canadian public, including community service, arts, recreation, religion,
social services, education and health. They account for some $90 billion
in annual expenditures, assets of $109 billion and about 12% of Canada's
Gross Domestic Product. They employ 1.3 million Canadians and benefit
from the service of some 7.5 million volunteers. Sixty per cent of
their revenues derive from various levels of government (1).
The effective governance of these organizations is therefore clearly
in the national interest.
The primary
objectives of this research were to:
- Learn
from organizations doing a particularly good job of governance,
as well as derive lessons from organizations that have experienced
major problems;
- Develop
a better understanding of how governance practices in non-profit
organizations need to be adapted to take into account a variety
of factors that influence governance needs and functions;
- Identify
alternative governance models available to boards and create a coherent
framework for understanding these models;
- Provide
support to boards and executive directors in understanding what
governance practices and policies may best suit or serve their particular
- Discover
and develop a foundation of knowledge on which to build additional
tools and resources to assist non-profit organizations in creating
effective governance practices.
derived from interviews and a Governance Self-Assessment Checklist
completed by board members and the CEO's were analyzed in conjunction
with relevant documentation to assess the governance practices of
20 non-profit organizations in Canada. The study sample contained
organizations from the education, health, community/social services
and crown agency sectors. The studies included organizations ranging
in size from a rural Lions Club with no operational budget to a pan-Canadian
study of school board governance. The median budget size was approximately
we found that interest in governance issues has increased tremendously
during the past decade. This has been spurred by aggressive promotion
of the Carver 'Policy Governance' model, and increased demands for
greater public accountability generated by governance problems in
a number of high profile cases. At the same time, alternative governance
models have not been readily accessible or well understood. As a result,
many non-profits have attempted, with limited success and, often,
considerable frustration, to implement the 'Policy Governance' model
or adapt it for their own purposes.
research identified several models currently used by non-profit boards
in Canada. They are referred to in this report as: 'Operational',
'Collective', 'Management', 'Traditional', 'Policy Governance', 'Corporate'
and 'Constituent Representational'. We found most boards use a hybrid
of these models created by applying practices drawn from two or more
models to different aspects of their mission or responsibilities.
We examined
how a number of factors influence governance practices. These factors
- who
'owns' the non-profit;
- different
processes for board selection;
- the
impact of size, complexity and geographic scope;
- mandate;
- form
of incorporation;
- financial
- organizational
- knowledge
about alternative governance models;
- personal
and political agendas;
- critical
events and transitional phases.
others also had significant influence, we concluded that the most
important factors in determining an appropriate governance model were
the size and complexity of the organization.
and CEO's rated their overall governance effectiveness between 70%
and 75% of their preferred ideal on the Governance Self-Assessment
Checklist used in these studies. Areas of greatest strength were Board
Culture and Board Structure. Human Resources Stewardship, Performance
Monitoring and Risk Management were generally acknowledged as requiring
improvement. Although 30% of the organizations had experienced serious
financial crises at some point during the past decade, the Financial
Stewardship of current boards was generally strong. These conclusions
were supported by an analysis of documents and interviews with key
The Major
Concerns of Boards identified through this research included: director
liability; financial viability; adopting more 'business-like' practices
while maintaining human service values; how to 'add value' to the
organization; finding the right balance between 'policy focus' and
knowledge of operations; improving succession planning for board and
staff; strengthening board orientation; developing clarity between
the respective roles of board and senior management; improving measurement
of board, CEO and organizational performance; and improving communication
with stakeholders.
of a Board in Trouble included: excessive turnover of CEO's or board
members; difficulty recruiting credible board members; rapid depletion
of reserve funds; chronic unplanned or unmanaged deficits; role confusion
between board and CEO; low attendance or participation in meetings;
poor management of meetings; factionalism; underground communications;
unresolved conflicts; failure to address conflicts of interest; decision
deadlock; disrespect for organizational norms and policies; and poor
communication with funders and other key stakeholders.
We also
identified the following Keys to Success:
- Strong
board and staff leadership
- A
positive working relationship between board and CEO
- Role
- Strong
agreement of key stakeholders on organizational values, mission
and objectives
- Respect
for organizational norms, board policies and decisions
- Good
board development practices and teamwork
- Regular,
objective assessment of board, CEO and organizational performance
- High
levels of trust and low levels of conflict
- Constructive
resolution of conflicts and 'conflicts of interest'
- A
good balance between organizational stability, flexibility, innovation
and enterprise
- Consensus
or 'near-consensus' decision-making
- Effective
management of meetings and board work
The keys
to success are easy to articulate, but the doors to good governance
are difficult to unlock during the normal course of human interactions
and organizational politics. It takes resolute commitment to open
communications and a good deal of hard work. The early warning signs
of trouble ahead are usually easy to discern. Boards and funding authorities
need to be vigilant for these and to take remedial action before,
rather than after, crises erupt.
1 "Building on Strength: Improving Governance and Accountability
in Canada's Voluntary Sector", Report of the Panel on Accountability
and Governance in the Voluntary Sector (Broadbent Report) Ottawa 1999
Also published in:
The ‘Journal', Ontario Assn of Children's Aid Societies, Vol. 46, no. 1, April 2002, and
ARNOVA News, Focus on Research, Fall 2003 Vol. 32(4).