Model' is the terminology used in organizational literature to describe
a set, cluster or constellation of structures, practices and procedures
which typify a particular approach which a board of directors may
use to govern, direct or oversee the operations of an organization.
A 'Governance Framework', for the purposes of this paper, is defined
as a collection or array of two or more 'governance models' intended
to provide a comprehensive description of the range of alternative
approaches to governance which are available to boards of directors.
article provides a comprehensive review of the literature on governance
models and frameworks and an analytic comparison of their essential
characteristics. It provides a critique of these and a rationale for
the development of a more comprehensive framework of governance models.
This comprehensive review is a unique contribution to the literature
on organizational governance. This research provided a valuable source document for the book, Governing for Results but is no longer available for broad distribution. Essential content is included in the book.